Why Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a Must-Have for Your Business
By: Amy MerschOctober 11, 2021
Enabling multi-factor authentication is one of the most important things you can do to keep cybercriminals out of your network and prevent a cyberattack.

What is Layered Security & How Does it Defend Your Network?
By: Amy MerschOctober 4, 2021
No single tool can guarantee your network’s security. That's why we recommend a layered security approach to improve your organization’s cyber posture.

Protecting Your Clients’ Data is Your Responsibility: How to Close Your Law Firm’s Cybersecurity Gaps
By: Steve Sigmon and Greg ThomasApril 21, 2021
Confidential client information is a high-value target for cybercrime. Protect your firm's network and client data with these essential security layers.

As Cyber Crime Evolves, Are Your Security Tools Keeping Up?
By: Jamie Moore & Amy MerschApril 2, 2020
Are you still using the same security tools that you were five years ago? If so, there are gaps in your efforts to keep your network secure.

6 Detective Security Controls Your Business Should Implement
By: Danielle HovermanNovember 27, 2018
With preventative security controls in place, you also need to deploy detective security controls. Detective security controls enable you to constantly monitor and review controls to ensure they are working properly and providing effective security. Here are 6 detective security controls.

8 Preventative Security Controls You Should Consider
By: Danielle HovermanNovember 20, 2018
There are many security controls that you can implement when designing a multi-layered security infrastructure, and those controls generally fall into two categories: preventative and detective. The following are 8 preventive security controls that your business should consider.

Traditional Security vs Layered Security | Identifying the Differences
By: Danielle HovermanNovember 15, 2018
It’s clear that traditional security is no longer effective in the reality of today’s complex cyber threat landscape. By not adopting a layered security approach, many businesses have gaping holes in their security efforts.

Layered Security Key to SMB Cyber Protection
By: Danielle HovermanNovember 21, 2017
Four must-have solutions for a layered security approach include: antivirus software, firewalls, patch management, and password management.