Document management, enterprise content management, digital transformation -- whatever label you use, it’s vitally important to the efficiency of your organization. Combine it with the power of the cloud and you have a solution that has the potential to transform your organization so it works smarter and faster. Enterprise content management (ECM) in the cloud continues to grow, in fact, 99.5% of organizations plan to deploy some form of ECM in the next three years.
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- 80% of organizations have on-premise ECM
- 70% of organizations have cloud.
In a survey conducted by Ovum, respondents said that these were the most important reasons to deploy ECM in the cloud:
- 96% have no large upfront investment
- 86% have no in-house maintenance
- 85% need integration to mobile
The same survey found that respondents saw these three ECM functionalities as being most important reasons to deploy ECM in the cloud:
- 66% document storage
- 65% file sharing
- 59% workflow
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Cloud security is top of mind for business owners and IT professionals. Out of the respondents surveyed, 93% said they are concerned about data being intercepted in transit. These are three key things to
consider when deploying ECM in the cloud:
- Internal data breaches
- Vendor service level agreements
- Content encryption
Survey conducted by Ovum and can be downloaded by visiting https://www.onbase.com/en/forms/cloud-ovum-whitepaper