In many businesses, document-related expenses are one of the largest unmanaged expenses. Studies show that 90% of business owners are unaware of their total printing spend1, which totals an estimated 1 to 3% of their annual revenue2. Here are six ways that your business can save on printing costs.
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1. Determine if it’s Necessary
Encourage users to ask themselves, “Is what I’m printing necessary?” Users may print hard copies of emails or other documents that are easier to view and store electronically.
2. Require an ID or Number
Requiring users to scan an ID card or enter a pin number when retrieving their documents at the printer cuts down on the amount of documents left at the printer.
3. Set Default Printing Options
Configure default settings to print documents in black and white and double-sided. This will reduce the amount of color toner used and cut paper usage in half.
4. Eliminate Personal Printers
Personal printers need to be stocked with ink and paper, as well as maintained. This results in higher
total costs of printing.
5. Install Tracking Software
Tracking software provides details on the types of jobs and the volume of prints for each printer. You can also monitor the print volume of departments and individuals.
6. Implement a MPS Program
Managed print services (MPS) gives you visibility and control over your business’s printing which contributes to a healthier bottom line.
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MPS is a program offered by print providers that manages and optimizes your entire print environment. MPS goes beyond reducing printing and paper usage. Just as your business is always evolving, MPS continues to evolve to help businesses meet their information challenges. Optimizing your print devices enables businesses to save money, reduce paper waste, and increase efficiency.
1 Buyers Laboratory
2 Gartner