Managed Print Services Checklist
Print is typically the third highest business operating expense, behind rent and payroll. So, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your entire print environment if you are looking to control and cut print-related expenses. If you haven’t already implemented a print policy, there’s a good chance that your print volumes and costs are out of control. Managed print services (MPS) is a program offered by print providers that manages and optimizes your entire print environment, going beyond reducing printing and paper usage. Use this checklist to determine if MPS is right for your business.
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Click the image above to download the checklist
Are your print costs continually going up?
Even as your business grows, your printing costs shouldn’t be rising at high rates. There are several variables to consider when looking at your total printing costs – paper, toner, and other supplies used during the printing process to name a few. These costs can add up quickly if you overuse or do not have control over these printing resources.
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Do you have security-related concerns?
Now more than ever, security issues are at the forefront of business owner’s minds. Your entire network is at risk of a security breach if you are connected to the internet. Printers and copiers pose a privacy risk when personal information is left on printer trays or unencrypted data is on the devices hard drive.
If you don’t currently track device metrics, you are not able to pin-point inefficiencies or what you can do to fix them. Tracking device metrics provides insight into your entire print environment so that you can gain control over pages counts, service reports, page coverage, alerts, and more.
Have you noticed wasted time and resources in your print environment?
From printing too many extra pages, to using color printing for documents that can be printed in black and white, wasteful printing practices could be costing your business thousands of dollars. Print-related issues typically account for 40-60% of IT help desk calls. This means that your IT staff is spending a lot of their time on troubleshooting print issues when they should be focusing on business-critical tasks.
Do you know the total cost of current print-related expenses?
To determine how MPS could benefit your business, it’s important to know what you’re currently spending on all print-related expenses. This includes equipment, supplies, contracts, burden rates, etc. Even if you don’t have a comprehensive understanding of your overall print costs, as long as you’re willing to share the information for analysis, a MPS provider can help you gather the necessary information and identify areas for improvement. Through analysis and assessment of your print environment you will be able to determine how beneficial a MPS solution could be for your business.
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Managed print services can improve business efficiencies, security, and environmental footprint, all while reducing print costs. If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, then managed print services may be a good fit for your business. With the right MPS partner, you can consume less energy and resources, increase productivity, and improve your print workflow.