By Ric Strasser I Director of Document Automation, Prosource

What is Enterprise Content Management (ECM)?
If you are new to the concept of enterprise content management (ECM) and enterprise content management solutions, you may find it confusing at first. And for good reason.
The enormous number of terms associated with ECM - document management,BPM,case management, imaging, records management, full text indexing - can leave you bewildered.“What are these things? What do they mean? Do I need them all? Where do I even get started?” If you are asking these questions, you are not alone.
So let's start with some basics. And those basics are the three types of ECM: web content management, collaborative content management and transactional content management. Figuring out where your company’s ECM needs fit is possibly the biggest step to identifying both the right solution and the right vendor.
For the record, OnBase, Hyland Software's ECM software solution, is a leader in transactional content management.
Transactional Content Management
Transactional content management, one of the various types of enterprise content management, is a system of record for managing process-related documents.
Collaborative Content Management
Collaborative content management – sometimes called collaborative document management – is a system designed to process and assist the simultaneous creation of content by multiple authors across a network-based infrastructure.
Web Content Management
Web content management allows consistent control of website look and feel while giving several content producers the ability to dynamically create and publish content.