No longer a buzzword, the cloud is integral to your online document management solution
By Ric Strasser I Director of Document Automation, Prosource

Cloud computing and cloud content management has moved from an IT buzzword to one of the most important business and technical capabilities available to CIOs today.
Rapid deployment, reduced up-front capital expenditure, enhanced security and disaster recovery capabilities are all cited as some of the many benefits of moving to the cloud.
Cloud document management and ECM
From an enterprise content management (ECM) perspective, the cloud can provide storage, processing and deployment functionality.
The OnBase Cloud, a platform built specifically to deliver ECM in the cloud, not only provides access to content via web and mobile interfaces, but also provides two-way ECM functionality such as:
The benefits of the OnBase Cloud are numerous, but some will be more relevant to your particular organization than others.
You will also find thought-provoking pieces debunking common misconceptions that surround the cloud. Use these resources to bolster your own understanding or to create a compelling business case for your organization to move to the cloud.